Home of RapidCRC


  • Fast assembly core routines: RapidCRC uses the fastest available open source assembly implementations for the CRC32 and MD5 algorithms. For more info read here.
  • Win32/WinAPI code in plain C: The rest of the program uses plain C with Win32/WinAPI calls, so no overhead from an intermediate library can occur.
  • Intel Compiler: The main program in the releases is compiled with the Intel C++ Compiler 8.1, which is known to produce fast code.
    (Build is provided by GJ)
  • For a comparison with WinSFV, QuickSFV and Advanced Checksum Verifier, see FAQ.
Open Source:
  • GPL: The program is released under the GPL license.
  • Free of charge: Program is and will remain free for any usage (incl. commercial) under the terms of the GPL.
  • SFV support: .sfv files are fully supported, i.e. can be checked and created.
  • MD5 support: .md5 files are fully supported, i.e. can be checked and created.
  • Checksum in filename support: The program has direct support for CRC32 checksums that are placed in the filename.
    Especially useful with Anime Releases because there it is common to place the CRC32 checksum into the filename.
  • Nice GUI: Windows XP Visual Styles are activated for this program.
  • Unicode Support: Unicode Support guarantees no problems with non-english filenames. (The SFV and MD5 file formats are simple and do not directly support Unicode filenames)